Sunday, March 25, 2007

Viva Las Vegas!

I'm off to the Wedding & Portrait Photographers International Convention & Trade Show in Las Vegas, Nevada! I hope to learn a lot, and find some cool new products to offer my clients! I'll be back on Friday, March 30th.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

It doesn't get any cuter than this.

My own children may be fair-haired, and I may be brunette, but I think red-heads are the cutest! How appropriate that this shoot was on St. Patrick's Day! Doesn't she look like the most perfect little Irish lady?

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Ol' Blue Eyes

Great Googly Moogly! This boy has some stunning eyes, doesn't he?

5 months old

This little guy is the same age as my daughter. His mom looks a lot better than I do though, LOL!

He was a cutie, and VERY happy! I love this age.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Happy Feet

Sweet little baby toes!
As some of you have heard, I switched computer systems this past week.
I'm all about Apple now! You know what they say - Once you go Mac, you never go back! LOL!
I've fallen slightly behind with session galleries, but I'm working practically around the clock to get back on track.
I appreciate all your patience! Thank you. :)

Sunday, March 04, 2007

They're not all happy

So most of the time, newborns are sleepy little angels that I can put on a bookshelf and snap away.
Sometimes though, they wake up. And stay up.
This little guy was such a sweetie, he gave me the BEST eye contact I have ever seen from a newborn. He was so alert. Which means, awake, and not always happy about being placed on stuffed lambs, wicker baskets and the like.
My best advice to ensure a sleepy newborn is to book your newborn session for when baby is just a few days old. 4 days old seems to be the perfect age. Within the first week is best.
And speaking of booking, I'm completely booked for sessions until April 15th. (except for newborns. If you need a session, email me) So if you, or someone you know was planning on getting portraits taken this spring/summer, please book soon. I'm booking 1.5 months in advance right now, and already booking June sessions. Thanks!