Friday, December 07, 2007

I met this wonderful new family last month, and as what usually happens at my newborn sessions, the baby didn't want to sleep.
Of course parents are usually mystified, because baby ALWAYS sleeps. Except when I come over. LOL!
I'm cool with it when babies don't sleep, I love to see their gorgeous newborn eyes, and I know if we all have a little patience, that baby will get sleepy and we can get those scrunchy shots that we all love.
Now, it's easy for me to say, because having patience usually involves mom nursing baby, while I sit and chat and drink coffee and socialize. Fun job, right? ;)

Having patience does work though, because even though most of my clients feel worried that it's only their baby that is awake and/or crying, I'm here to reassure you that it happens. A lot! :)

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